Emaar Crescent Bay, Karachi

The project entails Design of the 108-acre waterfront site landscape masterplan comprising of Promenades, adjacent commercial areas, mews, streetscape design and construction detailing.   Location: Karachi, Pakistan I Area: 6 Ha Landscape Design Of The Sea Front Promenade And Adjoining Spaces.

Jinnah International Airport

A tree lined 20 acre site at the airports entrance was required to be developed for the adjacent housing communities. An ornamental garden, multipurpose field, walking tracks and children’s play areas were planned keeping existing trees undisturbed.

BRTS Greenline

Landscape design –built project of an Interchange was designed keeping in mind the area’s history while developing a large tract of land that would provide relief for pedestrians and the adjoining community.   Location: Karachi, Pakistan I Area: 20 Ha Landscape Design And Construction Of Abdul Sattar Edhi Interchange.

Railway Park

Location: Karachi, Pakistan I Area: 5 Ha Concept Design Of Park Surrounded By Low Income Residential Communities. The Design Incorporates Multiple Activites And Forested Areas To Reduce Pollution Levels